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Welcome to Pedagogy Playbook

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“The value of a true leader is not measured by the work they do, but by the work they inspire others to do.” – Simon Sinek

Exploring new ways to share information, resources, knowledge and ideas to inspire someone else, is something that exceptional Early Childhood Educators do in the every day. We make something out of nothing, and a spark of excitement is enough to ignite a movement within your team or service. If nothing else, the world in the way it currently looks has taught us to be innovative and resilient to ensure that tomorrow is better than today. Over the last 4yrs the team at Woden Valley Early Learning Centre – check out the name change – has reinvented their vision and approach to quality early childhood education and care. From being intentional in the language we use, how we view the image of the child, finding the balance between documentation and active engagement, and making the firm stance that children have the universal right to have quality access to nature and the responsibility to take care of it. We are by no means finished, but because we critically reflect on the work that we do and refuse to just settle for what is considered the standard, our team wanted to provide a platform to share what we have so far in the hope you feel inspired to write your next chapter.

The “Pedagogy Playbook” is an online blog which you can access for free from as another tool in your professional library. Each chapter will highlight a certain topic of discussion that could be relevant in any early childhood setting and shows the viewer how the team at Woden Valley ELC responds to the learning that is occurring within various concepts. Our Centre is one of transition, and we have gathered evidence over the last 4yrs to show this to our peers across the sector what children will need to thrive in the 21st Century – perhaps somewhere on our timeline you can identify yourself and be able to make your next move purposefully and intentionally. What we have learnt and continue to develop, is the understanding that things change all the time. The future can sometimes be unpredictable, but we must be prepared to embrace change and new ideas. Every decision we make must emphasise the importance of actively listening and noticing what and how the children are learning, as our knowledge and choices impact this. Working with children and supporting a platform for them to be agentic citizens, promotes a respectful and responsive environment where they are in curious, inspired and in control.

“Stand aside for a while and leave room from learning, observe carefully what children do, and then, if you have understood well, perhaps teaching with be different from before.” - Loris Malaguzzi

NQS: QA1.2 – Educators facilitate and extend each child’s learning and development.

NQS: QA3.2 – The service environment is inclusive, promotes competence and supports exploration and play-based learning.

NQS: QA4.2 -Management, Educators and staff are collaborative, respectful and ethical.

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Paulina Rurarz
Paulina Rurarz
Apr 27, 2022

What an excellent idea! Well done team!


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