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Woden Valley ELC
Policies and Procedures

The National Quality Framework has been designed to encourage continuous improvement of education and care services across Australia. One of its important features is that it sets out a series of National Quality Standards (NQS) against which all early childhood education and care services will be assessed and given a rating.


The seven quality areas are:
1. Educational program and practice.
2. Children’s health and safety.
3. The physical environment.
4. Staffing arrangements.
5. Relationships with children.
6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
7. Leadership and service management.


All Early Childhood Education and Care Services are required to have policies and related documents in relation to certain matters under Regulation 168 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations. You can find more information about the NQF and NQS at the Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority.


Download - Q.A. 1 Policy

Download - Q.A. 2 Policies and Procedures

Download - Q.A. 3 Policies and Procedures

Download - Q.A. 4 Policies and Procedures

Download - Q.A. 5 & 6 Policies and Procedures

Download - Q.A. 7 Policies and Procedures

Download - Parent Handbook 2024

Download - Flyer

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We at Woden Valley acknowledge the Ngoonawal people as the traditional custodians of this Country. We are grateful to learn and play on this land.

Dhawra nguna dhawra Ngoonawal. This land is Ngoonawal Country.

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