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Frequently Asked Questions


What does my child need to bring each day?

Your child will need a bag containing:

  • Water bottle

  • Closed toed shoes for Narragunnawali visits and excursions

  • SunSmart Hat (broad brim)

  • Sunscreen: we do provide this, however some families prefer to bring their own (especially in the event of allergies)

  • Plenty of spare clothes appropriate to daily weather forecasts (rain, hail, wind or shine!)

  • We recommend "Muddlarks" brand or similar wet weather clothing in winter and gumboots

  • Enough nappies or spare underwear for the day.

  • You may also wish to provide nappy rash creams (we provide Sudocream and PawPaw)

Does Woden Valley provide food?

We provide breakfast, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and a late afternoon snack. All our meals are cooked on premises daily. Read more about meals at the Service here.

What about Medication?

A form will need to be completed for the administration of medications. Medications are to be given to a senior staff in the room and should never be left in the child’s bag.

Will my child always have the same educators?

All our educators are permanent staff members, majority of who works in a full-time capacity. Educators are assigned to one room and one shift for a whole year. This means that your child will have consistent staff throughout the day and the week.


Does Woden Valley close over the Christmas Period?

We close for two weeks over the Christmas break, between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day Public Holidays. This shut down period is subject to change and is free of charge for the families.

How does Woden Valley manage Public Holidays?

We do not open on Public Holidays, and yes, fees are charged for Public Holidays. Public holidays are state and nationally recognised holidays intended for celebrations, memorials and to support workers with work/life balance. If your regular enrolment falls on the day of a Public Holiday, you will incur the normal fees for that day, and the child will be marked absent.

Do I have to pay to keep my booking when I go on holiday?

Yes, if you wish to keep your spot in the Centre. It is important to note that the CCS is applied to 42 absent days per year. This means that CCS continues to be applied when you take holidays.

What is the Bond Fee?

Centre charges $550 bond upon offer of the placement. The Bond amount does NOT have the CCS applied. Bond is a security payment to secure your spot with us and to protect against families leaving  with outstanding fees. It is refunded to your selected account at the cease of your enrolment provided that four [4] weeks' notice is given and your account is up to date.

Can we choose any days during the week?

Woden Valley has a strict booking policy, this includes: minimum of two days booking, consecutive days of care including Monday or Friday, if part time care is required.

Can I book my child in casually?

If your child is not currently enrolled, we do not offer casual bookings in the long day care centre. If your child is enrolled on a regular basis and there is availability, we will do our best to accommodate your needs for casual days.

© 2020 Woden Valley ELC

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We at Woden Valley acknowledge the Ngoonawal people as the traditional custodians of this Country. We are grateful to learn and play on this land.

Dhawra nguna dhawra Ngoonawal. This land is Ngoonawal Country.

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